7 Easy Steps To A More Positive Lifestyle

By Patricia Young

We have the choice to live a positive and happy life. It is our responsibility, not everyone else’s. Independently of what goes on throughout our days, we always have the choice on how we process what happens around us.

There are plenty of things we can do to help improve our lives every day, but here are a few simple tips that you can practice to become more positive and happy:

  1. Express more gratitude - Gratitude is essential! Realize that all you have right now, you could not have… Being grateful enables you to be present in the moment. So, every day, focus on your blessings and think of all the things you can be grateful for. Having a Gratitude Journal helps. The more grateful you are, the more positive vibrations you send to the universe and more good things come your way!
  2. Learn from the past and let go – Keep present that all experiences are learning experiences that help you grow and evolve. Honor your life’s challenges. Try to extract the positive from every situation and move on. Your life is in the present, not in the past. Remember, you create your future from your present.  Consider practicing meditation to stay present.
  3. Surround yourself with positive people – spend time with people that are happy, positive and optimistic. People that will make you laugh, that value your worth and appreciate you for who you really are. People that motivate you and inspire you. Always remember that we radiate the energy that will attract the same energy back into our lives, so choose positive!
  4. Read or listen to something inspirational or motivational every day – Create your own inspirational ritual. Preferably in the morning, that way you start your day with a great boost of inspiration and motivation.
  5. Be Kind to everyone, even yourself – Never underestimate the power of kindness. It takes courage to be kind, it is a choice. So, choose kindness, it changes people’s lives. When you’re kind your level of serotonin goes up and it creates a ripple effect on the recipient. It changes your chemistry! Be kind to other people, to animals and the planet. You can make a difference and a positive impact to the world.
  6. Forgive – Life happens in the present moment. Whatever happened in the past is gone, it’s not happening now. Take the lessons, embrace your wisdom and move on. Don’t let the past experiences make you forget who you truly are – a loving and kind spiritual being. Forgiveness gives you freedom, it is the best gift you can give yourself. For more on Forgiveness, read my article about The Power of Forgiveness.
  7. Be yourself – Embrace your uniqueness. You have gifts and talents that no one else has. Honor yourself and the source that created you, being here is a gift. You’re worth of your own love and compassion, you’re a gift to the world. When you love yourself first you’ll love others more. Avoid comparing yourself to others, it will only steal your joy. Strive to be a better YOU every day, keep learning and growing. Be grateful for your unique greatness!

Every time you choose in life, that choice is your evaluation of yourself. Every decision you make represents who you think you are, it represents the value you put upon yourself. Make sure your choices bring positivity and happiness to your life.


  1. Dorothy Fitzer says

    That quote at the end was awesome. What a great way to wrap up and focus one’s intentions in a deeper, clearer way. I know it did for me;) Blessings!

  2. Heather says

    I think surrounding yourself with positive people may be the most important one of all so people are not sucking the life out of you. Great tips!

  3. Jackie Harder says

    When I go out on my morning walks, I make a special effort to express my gratitude (out loud, much to the consternation of the neighbors!) all the things I see and am grateful for. I can go 30 minutes without repeating! It’s a wonderful exercise and starts off the day just right.

  4. Jess Brown says

    Hi Patricia, I loved this post…all such great advice to live by. The quote at the end was very powerful! Is that your quote? :) Love it!

  5. Cher says

    I was just reading a similar concept by Wayne Dyer today; that being kind to ourselves first will spread to how we treat others. Secondly, it is true that reading or listening to something inspirational every day is impactful in my life.

    Cher Gunderson

  6. Tina Games says

    Love these tips, Patricia! ~ They’re simple reminders of things we can easily do every day to move into a more positive state of being. ~ Thank you! :-)

  7. Edmund S. Lee says

    One that I love the most is being surrounded by positive people. It really can make an impact when it comes to the effect that it has.

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