A Recipe For Cultivating Joy


By Patricia Young

We all want to feel more joy in our lives, and the truth is, that Joy is the natural state of our spirit, our true-Self. But we get disconnected from it as we grow older, when we let our ego or conditioned self take over and drive our lives. We can see the full expression of joy when we take a look at the children around us. They’re playful, creative, lighthearted and free.

In order for us to reconnect with that natural state, and feel joy every day, feel that we are whole and that we’re enough, no matter what our circumstances are, we need to start living our lives from our Authentic-Self. We need to shift our perspective from ego to spirit.

We have to leave our fears, insecurities, confusion and need to control aside, because that makes us live a constricted life. Instead, we have to let our Authentic Self, our spirit, guide us through life with ease. Our true-Self  is wise enough to make us live a life of easiness, expansiveness and joy.

To cultivate joy in our lives, we need to shift from the limitations of our conditioned self to the freedom of our Authentic Self. Here are a few tips that will help you with that shift:

  1. Live in the present moment – Make peace with the past. Life is happening NOW, not in the past or the future. Create your future from the present moment. Forgive to liberate yourself. Meditate and practice being mindful by observing without judging (yourself and others). Meditating has the purpose of removing the wrong perceptions and we will be free of fear, anger, etc.
  2. Be Grateful – There is always a reason to be grateful for. Choose to focus your attention on the things that are good with your life now. Whatever you focus your attention on, will re-produce. Appreciating the beauty in little things, and being grateful for all the wonderful things you already have in your life, makes life easier and more pleasant, not only for you, but for the ones around you too.
  3. Embrace your challenges - When we keep an open mind we can see opportunities in every obstacle we face. Embracing our challenges and stepping out of our comfort zone will make us grow and evolve. So learning to manage our challenges and fears, trying to see things from a different perspective is always a positive thing, because this is a sign that you’re expanding and growing. Always remember, don’t resist, because “whatever resists persists”
  4. Practice the law of Receptivity – Keep this concept in mind “All of humanity is breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. Organisms of the plant kingdom are doing the opposite – breathing in carbon dioxide and breathing out oxygen”. We are receiving what they are giving and the other way around. In life, every giving can happen because there is also receiving. Open your mind to selfless giving but also to receiving, we are all deserving of both. In order to receive we have to give. And in order to give you have to be  open to receive. What you give, you will receive.
  5. Live your life with purpose – We are all here with a purpose. You can find what your purpose is from your spirit, not from your ego. Not being in alignment with your Authentic Self and your Life Purpose will make you feel a lack of joy and fulfillment in your life. When you don’t reconnect with your True Self and life purpose, you feel that you are living your life in automatic, without meaning, fulfillment and excitement. This dissatisfaction will affect your relationships and your physical and emotional health, which could eventually lead to anxiety and depression.

Feeling Joy is our natural state. You can start feeling Joy NOW!  It does not depend on events that are external to you. It’s your choice to embrace it now!

I can help you move forward to reach your goals and live with more Joy. Feel free to contact me to schedule a Complimentary 20-minute session with me so I can learn more about you, what you’re looking for and how my unique Holistic Coaching Services can help you get where you want to be. I look forward to connecting with you soon!


  1. Christine Sullivan says

    We can never be reminded too often to live from our authentic self. The tips you have shared are so simple and yet so useful to help do that. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Tina Games says

    Patricia - You had me at hello! :-) ~ I found myself intrigued by the title of your post and especially drawn in by the image you chose. I felt joyful just looking at it! ~ Your post brings a great awareness to the impact that joy can have in all of us, thus creating joyful ripples all over the world. ~ Thank you for bring a big smile to my face today!

  3. Cher Gunderson says

    Patricia, I can feel how passionate you are about the work you do. Thank you for reminding me joy is right her for the taking and it’s a matter of choice.

    Cher Gunderson

  4. Teena Evert says

    Patricia - Thank you for these tips - they provide a means to experience our Authentic Self right now and lead our way through our day from our Spirit!


  5. martha says

    beautifully said! Amazing how the conditioned self can take over! It takes practice and love the gentle steps that you outlined!

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