The Wonders of a Shift in Perspective

By Patricia Young

Our personal approach creates the environment that we live in, we establish the climate. This means that we are the owners of the greatest power. The power of driving our lives and shifting our results, lies within us.

But we all have our beliefs, filters and pre-conceived opinions on so many areas and subjects that, sometimes, we don’t let ourselves gain enough perspective on a specific situation or event, and that blocks the possibility to have a full understanding and interpretation of the facts.

Based on those beliefs, we could limit ourselves to nurture potentially enriching relationships and even take actions to move forward towards the achievement of our goals. It is our responsibility to do a check of those filters, analyze which ones get in our way and really understand how they will affect our behaviors, results and relationships in life. It can be a challenge but it will make a great difference.

I think this is the most challenging part…even if we work or deal with difficult people, always keep in mind that we can’t control other people’s reactions or some events that happen, but we ALWAYS have the power to choose if our filters and beliefs will help us to get the results we want. We always have the power to choose how we will deal with all situations, even the ones that we can’t control.

Use these tips to analyze your beliefs often. Ask yourself:

  1. Do my beliefs prevent me from understanding the situation or others? Try to avoid making assumptions or interpretations, get more information, you might be wrong and the rest of the outcome would be determined by your assumptions
  2. What are my current filters? How do they affect my interaction with others? Am I willing to listen, to learn and really understand what others are saying, regardless of me agreeing with them?
  3. What are the stories that I’m telling myself about others? Are these stories determining my relationship with them and their attitude towards me? Am I feeding the cycle?

By practicing these tips you will start shifting your perception and beliefs. You will see and feel things from a new and fresh perspective. You will create new behaviors, which will create new patterns. But most importantly, you will be opening up the door to new possibilities and welcoming new outcomes to your life, so miracles could happen!

We can only shift our perspective by making a conscious decision of living in the present, letting ourselves be curious, seeing clearly and feeling the freedom that entails leaving behind old thoughts and beliefs. 


  1. Bonnie Nussbaum says

    I love the part about the stories we tell ourselves! It’s amazing how often we put an interpretation on something through the story we tell. Just generating a list of other possible stories that could fit a situation can help shift our perception away from a negative interpretation to a more neutral or positive one.

  2. Sangita says

    Hi Patricia,
    I love this sentence that you mention right int he beginning:
    “The power of driving our lives and shifting our results, lies within us.” and also the analogy of colored lenses,it is how we see ourselves and the world:) Thank you

  3. Cher says

    Patricia, great content you’re using to address self-limiting beliefs! I like the idea of filters-your recommendation to check how our filters are interfering with our interactions with others and with our beliefs in our own competencies. I just spoke about this at the workshop I gave today called Rock your Audience with Power, Passion, and Purpose-that the number one fear of public speaking fears lies in our lack of belief in our competencies.

    Thank you for another empowering blog,

    Cher Gunderson

  4. Tina Games says

    This article really captures the difference between the “conditioned self” and the “authentic self.” ~ The “conditioned self” loves her filters - and loves analyzing everything through that lens. ~ The “authentic self” knows that life is best experienced through an open heart and an open mind. ~ You ask some very good questions here, Patricia - inviting us into the perspective of the “authentic self.” ~ Thank you for a rich and thought-provoking post! :-)

  5. Teena Evert says

    Patricia - I loved the motivation for change that you infuse throughout this post. One thing I have been paying attention to at the beginning of everyday is how open my heart is then I compare this to the end of the day. Adding your tips to analyze my beliefs can then be filtered through the experience in my body where I do may own heart check. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

  6. Patricia Ogilvie says

    I’ve always been a believer we have what it takes to shape our lives. making choices has power and sometimes we don’t even know we are the one’s holding the magic wand! great job!

  7. Beth Niebuhr says

    This is a great reminder that not only can we change our own prejudices but that we can’t change other people.

  8. Jackie Harder says

    One of my favorite sayings — don’t believe everything you think. Good tips on how to examine our perspectives and figure out if they still work for us.

  9. Frances says

    “We always have the power to choose how we will deal with all situations, even the ones that we can’t control.” ABSOLUTELY!

    As an adult I’ve definitely had to do a “filter inventory” and see which ones are really just old programming. I love that we do have the choice to build new filters. I always tell my daughter too that she doesn’t control what other people can do to her, but she can definitely control how she feels about it. Great post, Patricia.

  10. Clive Maloney says

    Patricia such a powerful article. The sooner we realize that we cannot change other people but we can change how we react and view the situation the happier we become.

  11. Kristen Wilson says

    So true Patricia and while we all know it, we need a regular reminder that we are the holder of our destiny… we make it happen! Thanks for the reminder!

  12. Edmund S. Lee says

    True indeed. The stories and how we perceive things make all the difference in the world Patricia.

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